Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Trip to Lausanne, Switzerland....I will be updating this page when I have internet access...I will be uploading photos and such.

Flew out on July 21st from Phoenix, AZ to Chicago, then to London then to Geneva Switzerland, then took a train from Geneva to Lausanne along Lake Geneva, it was beautiful, the Swiss Alps are huge...But the best part is British Airways lost my luggage...I did however pack an extra set of clothes in my carry on...so here I sit with one change of clothes awaiting my luggage from British Airways.

This morning on July 23rd I went to a French Pastrie shop and all I can say is HOLY COW, it was the best coffee and cheese danish I have ever eaten...Watching the sun come up on Lake Geneva over the Swiss Alps was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen, as soon as I get my luggage I will post pictures...but I almost fell out of my chair, as I was sitting there a woman came walking down the street with a French Poodle and she was wearing a beret....I am signing off for now, but will post more later with pictures.....till then Bonjour.....